Kevin Woblick

Kevin Woblick

What I use


  • MacBook Pro 14" M1 Pro
    After developing on Windows in the early days, I switched to Mac with a 2012 MacBook Pro. While Apple is not free of mistakes, and some decisions are questionable, the Mac is still my preferred OS. It combines the ease of use and variety of applications of Windows systems, and the development enviroment of Unix systems.
  • iPhone 13
    After using Android phones for years, I finally made the step away from Google. I am pretty satisfied with my iPhone, and it integrates perfectly into the ecosystem.
  • NAS: Synology Diskstation 918+
    Synology Diskstations are my all-time companions. In the past decades I owned 4 different models, 2 of them are still in use at my relatives. Synology provides a superior NAS with a lot of helpful apps. Instead of relying on Dropbox or Google Drive, I sync all my important data to my NAS. All data is backed up to other storages like AWS S3.
  • Homeserver: Gigabyte Brix
    The Synology has a lot of storage, but isn't very fast. That's why I bought a Gigabyte Brix NUC that hosts my self hosted apps, like Adguard Home, Gitea, Firefly II, Minecraft, Monica, N8N and Wakapi.



  • Browser: Brave
    After using Firefox for a long time, I switched to Brave some months ago to test the browser as my daily driver. Up until now I am quite happy with it.
  • Mail Client: Apple Mail
    Apple Mail simply provides the best user experience of any tested mail clients. I used Thunderbird for 2 years but the user interface is plain horrible and cluttered. And other mail clients send your data to their servers which is a no-go for me.
  • Notes & Writing: Obsidian
    All my notes are written in Markdown and organized in simple folders. I can highly recommend Obsidian after using it for over a year now. It is flexible enough to have my own organization but enough features to be a productive note taking solution.
  • To Do's: Tick Tick
    To Do apps are my personal hell. I tested like dozens in the past decade. Some have a horrible usability, some are not cross-platform, some have cross-platform clients but do not offer a working offline mode and some are simply too expensive. Tick Tick is my To Do companion for 2 years now, and I couldn't be happier, and I also happily pay the 24€ per year for the premium version.
  • Password Manager: 1Password
    Like with To Do apps, I tested many password managers. Even if I do not like that my passwords are stored somewhere else, 1Password simply provides the best-in-class user experience and my whole family now uses it. I store regular backups of my passwords in an encrypted vault.
  • Coding Statistics: Wakapi
    I am using Wakapi for more than a year now to gain insights into how much I am really coding on my projects. It automatically tracks usage and time as a plugin of your IDE and sends it to the self-hosted app.
  • Music: Spotify Premium / Apple Music
  • Communication: Slack & Discord



  • PHP
  • JavaScript / TypeScript
  • Go
  • Python

Frameworks + Apps

  • Laravel
  • Symfony 4/5
  • Vue.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Eleventy
  • Hugo
  • Wordpress


  • MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Docker
  • Ansible
  • Prometheus, Grafana, Mimir


  • Main IDE: PhpStorm
    As PHP is my main programming language, PhpStorm is the way to go. I tested Atom, VS Code and other IDEs/editors, but none of them offered such a powerful programming experience. My theme of choice is Atom One Light for the day and Github Dark for the night, with Fira Code as the font.
  • Secondary IDEs: Goland, PyCharm
    Like with PHP, I also tested various tools for Python and Ruby programming and finally used the Jetbrains IDEs again.
  • Editor: Sublime Text
    Sublime Text is used for quick editing of files outside of project scopes.
  • Database Management: Table Plus
    After using Sequel Pro for ages, I moved to Table Plus. I am sad, that the Sequel Pro development kinda stopped, and the app is no longer stable. Table Plus is the best replacement I could find.
  • Documentation: Dash
    Dash enables you to download the documentation for nearly everything related to programming, form programming languages to tools like Laravel, Ansible or nginx. Especially helpful with programming while commuting. However, I am not happy with their pricing strategy and do not recommend buying the app anymore.
  • Terminal: iTerm
    Kind of standard app for programmers using macOS. Awesome terminal app which I currently use with the Nocturnal Winter theme and Fira Sans.
  • Shell: Oh my ZSH!
    I tinkered a lot with my Oh my ZSH setup and finally have a pretty solid stack. The theme I use is terminalparty.
  • Figma
    Not really for programming, but used to design things for my programming projects.

Other Tools


Github, Gitlab and Gitea are used to store all my repositories, being my primary service for private projects and Github for open source work. Gitea, which runs on my Synology Diskstation, mirrors all my repositories to keep backup for all of them.
I use Gitlab together with their Docker container registry and CI/CD stack, because it is currently free and without storage limits. Sadly, Github has a very strict storage cap for the container registry, otherwise I would maybe migrate to Github.

  • Github
  • Gitea (self hosted)


  • Hetzner Cloud After using several approaches to host all of my web projects and tools, I now use Hetzner Cloud. Hetzner provides one of the best VPS in terms of price-performance comparison, offering a server with 1 vCPU, 1GB RAM and 20GB storage for only 3€.
  • Cloudflare Cloudflare is the DNS manager of choice. It provides an excellent performance, great features and is free to use.

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